UP Student Insurance Policy

The policy is intended to cover a portion of the accident costs, hospitalization, medical cares, among others, especially in cases when students participate in academic and similar experiential learning activities outside classrooms. The insurance coverage is for the enrolled undergraduate students who are eligible for the grant of Higher Education Subsidy (Free Tuition).
  1. Who is covered?

    The UP Student Insurance Claims covers undergraduate students who are qualified for the Higher Education Subsidy (Free Tuition) and are officially enrolled during the First Semester of A.Y. 2020 - 2021.

  2. What accidents are covered?

    All types of accidents are covered by this insurance (e.g. vehicular, non-vehicular, animal bites, among others).

  3. How do I file for an insurance claim?

To request for the UP Insurance Certificate: Click here

Frequently Asked Questions:
  1. Who can file the Insurance Claim?
    A: Students, or their Parents, Guardian, or Agent of the Student.
  2. What is the validity period of the UP Student Insurance?
    A: The UP Student Insurance is valid for 12 months from the date of UP’s confirmation of the availment of the insurance.
  3. Can I file a claim even if the incident happened a month ago?
    A: Yes, as per GSIS guidelines and in accordance with the Philippine Insurance Law, a 60 calendar days prescription period from the date of incident is given to the claimant for the filing of an application for insurance claims. However, to ensure the timely processing of benefits, the University of the Philippines required that the application for an insurance claim must be filed by the student-beneficiary or his/her parents/guardian/agent, within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the incident.
  4. I already submitted an application for an insurance claim but I have yet to complete the requirements, how many days do I have for the completion requirements?
    A: Based on the guidelines, you have 30 calendar days upon notification from the GSIS to complete and submit the application and the lacking documentary requirements of the completion.
  5. Can I still request for an extension of the deadline for submission of the application and the documentary requirements if the prescribed submission period has lapsed?
    A: Yes, by filing a formal request for extension through email at the GSIS or by submitting it at the Office of Scholarships and Grants.
  6. I am currently enrolled this First Semester A.Y. 2020-2021 however I am no longer qualified for the Free Tuition Subsidy, am I covered by the UP Student Insurance?
    A: No, only those eligible for the Higher Education Subsidy are qualified to avail of the UP Student Insurance.
  7. If the accident occurred somewhere else other than the UP campus or during vacations, will it still be covered by the UP Student Insurance?
    A: Yes, as long as it is still within the validity period of the insurance policy.
  8. Does the UP Student Insurance only cover accident-related incidents?
    A: Yes, the insurance coverage is specifically for accident-related incidents only.
  9. How many days will it take for the GSIS to complete the processing and release of insurance claims?
    A: It will take at least a minimum of 25 working days for the GSIS to complete the processing and release of insurance claims.
For other queries and concerns, kindly email the Student Loans and Claims at studentloan_osg.uplb@up.edu.ph