UPLB Student Assistantship System attracts interest during UP System financial assistance workshop

10 August 2015 | CHHagosojos |

Student Assistants can check their SA salary status by texting SWELDO to 29290200.During the UP System financial assistance workshop on 7 October 2015 at the UP Diliman School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), Mr. Miguel V. Abriol-Santos, head of the Communication and Information Technology (COMMIT), presented the Student Assistantship (SA) system implemented in UPLB to the OSA staff members from different constituent universities.

Mr. Abriol-Santos presented the OSAM System, the reasons for developing the system, and the SA system. He also presented how supervisors request for SAs, how SAs apply for a position, how SAs generate their DTRs, and how SAs evaluate the SA program and their supervisors.

Implementation of SA system to constituent universities

The UP System showed interest in adopting UPLB's SA system. UPLB OSA is currently coordinating with UP Diliman regarding the possible implementation of the system in their constituent university in the following semester.

Prof. Maragtas SV. Amante, Vice President for Administration of the UP System, expressed his intent to endorse the system to the eUP Human Resource Information System (HRIS) team. Additionally, he said that since the SA program of UP is attracting interest from other state universities and colleges, there is a need to patent the system.

Faster processing of payroll documents

The SA System is a component of the OSA Management System which aims to improve the operational efficiency of the office through information technology. It is known for its automated generation and processing of forms, SMS notifications, live SA salary status checking, and implementation of SA evaluation.

Before, processing the SA payroll documents at OSA takes about two weeks, but because of the development of the OSAM System, OSA can process the payroll documents within one to two days before they are submitted to the Accounting Office.

Revised rules and regulations on the SA program

On 14 August 2015, the PAEP Administrative Order No. 15-84 about the Consolidated Rules and Regulations for Student Assistants and Graduate Assistants was released. UPLB OSA immediately implemented the changes in the SA System during the First Semester, A.Y. 2015-2016.

The changes in the rules and regulations for student assistants include the removal of the grade requirement for SAs and allowing SAs to work during lunch breaks (12 noon to 1 p.m.).

Presently, OSA is coordinating with the UPLB Center for Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship (CTTE) regarding intellectual property rights protection.