International students showcase talents, cultures in ISA Cutural Night

23 October 2014 | JARMariano |

Celebrating its 36th year, the International Students Association (ISA), in cooperation with the International Student Services, held the annual ISA Cultural Night to promote the general welfare and cooperation among the foreign students in UPLB. Driven by the theme "Opening Doors toward Global Connections," the ISA showcased their talents and different cultures at the DL Umali Hall on October 22, 2014.

Vietnamese UPLB students make their final pose during the talent presentation.

International students represented their countries not only through their colorful national costumes during the Parade of Nations but also through their diverse cultural performances.

The event was graced by Ambassador Malayvieng Sakonhninhom from the Lao Embassy; Ambassador Tuot Panha and Second Secretary Nuon Rithyroath from the Royal Embassy of Cambodia; Duong Ding Chien, First Secretary of Vietnam, and; Consular Somjai Taphaopong from Thailand.

Several UPLB Officials were also present in the event such as Chancellor Rex Victor O. Cruz, Graduate School Dean Dr. Jose V. Camacho Jr., and Office of Student Affairs Director Dr. Leticia E. Afuang.

The ISA also had the Awarding of Plaque of Appreciation to UPLB officials and representatives from different embassies in the Philippines to acknowledge the support they have given to international students.

Living with its theme, the performers gathered together in one special and final production as a symbol of what ISA President Micael Martins mentioned in his Opening Remarks -- their deeper friendship and camaraderie.