Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center (LRC), established in June 1978, is tasked to supplement, complement and coordinate all learning assistance programs in each campus to ensure that the goal of promoting academic excellence will be realized in a more caring and nurturing environment.

(049) 536-2761
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) aims to 1) expand existing academic-related programs and activities to include not only local undergraduate students but also international undergraduate and graduate students, including but not limited to customized academic support systems; 2) institutionalize and sustain the UPLB Recruitment Program for the Best and the Brightest Students; 3) provide support services to would-be or international/exchange students including, but not limited to, customized language programs and thesis and journal writing; and 4) complement the Office for Institutional Linkages (OIL) in facilitating exchange programs that would provide opportunities for students to expose themselves to various programs offered by other competent and esteemed universities in the world.

Junior Utility Worker


University Extension Associate II

University Research Associate I

Administrative Aide I

Junior Office Assistant

Project Development Associate

Instructional Assistance and Academic Enhancement Programs
  • Agricultural and Rural Development Scholarship (ARDS)

    Since 1977, the Agricultural and Rural Development Scholarship (ARDS), which was created under Presidential Decree 1209, has provided assistance and opportunities to intellectually deserving students of rural poor families to take development-oriented courses in UPLB. UPLB LRC is constantly recruiting scholars and yields fresh graduates of ARDS. The scholarship program provides stipend, book, transportation, medical, and thesis allowances.

  • Bridge Program (BP)

    The BP is a skills-enhancement activity designed for incoming first year students who may need to improve competencies in English and/or Mathematics. Each bridge course is equivalent to a summer course with 48 class hours. Apart from their subject classes, they also have psychosocial sessions with guidance service specialists and values education lessons with volunteer corps and current students of the university. Held online and remotely in line with the COVID-19 health and safety protocols, the BP continues to assist incoming students in their academic and social adjustments to college life. Classes are conducted in a flexible learning setup with both synchronous and asynchronous sessions.

  • Tutorial Services

    LRC provides free online tutorial sessions, called T.E.A.M. or Together Everyone Achieves More Learning Sessions, which cater to all currently enrolled students who need an additional learning session in order to better understand and appreciate challenging lessons in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Statistics, and other subjects. LRC offers two tutorial services to our students: a peer-tutorial session called Promoting Excellence through Educational Review (PEER) and TEAM-UP with #TeamLRC, which is a series of tutorial sessions featuring faculty members of the university.

  • Customized Training Programs

    LRC’s training programs are needs- based. Various stakeholders, primarily UPLB students, faculty, and staff as well as external groups or institutions who need training on certain topics/ areas, can request LRC to design and implement such for a given period of time. In response to the global crisis, the Center takes on the challenge of offering programs to the students using online platforms such as the LRC C.A.R.E.S (Creative Activities, Recreational and Educational Services) program.

  • Recruitment Program for the Best and the Brightest (RPBB)

    The UPLB Recruitment Program aims to bring the best and the brightest students of the country to the National University; to promote diversity among its applicants; and to increase the number of enrollees in the three pioneer colleges of UPLB namely College of Agriculture (CA), College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) and College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR) as well as in all the other colleges of the University.

  • P.L.A.Y. (Providing Learning Alternatives to the Youth)

    As one of the flagship programs of LRC, PLAY aims to enhance the learning experience of the new (and old) batch of UPLB students by producing engaging and educational Open Education Resources (OER) such as audio-visual presentations, board games, activities, problem sets, and others. These aid teachers in the conduct of their classes as well as help students better understand the lessons.

Internationalization Programs for Students
  • Cultural Language Training Program (CLTP)

    An eight-week intensive training on conversational fluency, grammar, vocabulary enrichment components, reading comprehension, writing, pronunciation, the CLTP is facilitated by LRC staff and faculty-trainers from the Department of Humanities of the University. It also involved tutors from the Colleges of Development Communication and Arts and Sciences.CLTP is part of LRC’s mandate to enhance and expand its present academic-related programs and activities for international undergraduate and graduate students through customized academic support systems such as language training programs, study visits, cultural tours and cultural exchanges.

  • Exchange Students’ Challenges Experienced and Lessons Learned (EXCELL) Sharing Series

    LRC spearheads echo seminars in which returning students from exchange programs share their learning and experience with the UPLB community through the event entitled, “EXchange students’ Challenges Experienced and Lessons Learned (EXCELL) Sharing Series” in partnership with the Society of Exchange Students-University of the Philippines (SEXs-UP) to better prepare the students for internationalization.

  • LRC C.A.R.E.S. (Creative Activities, Recreational and Educational Services)

    During the time of the pandemic, the Center developed the LRC C.A.R.E.S. to reach out to our students and other constituents through online platforms. The Center used its Facebook page to bring our activities and services to our students and to provide a daily dose of inspiration to our social media followers. The primary goal of LRC C.A.R.E.S. is to provide holistic mental health support by addressing some of the sources of academic-related worry and anxiety of our students.

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